Using Stickers in the Classroom for Teaching


Stickers are a versatile and effective tool for teachers looking to motivate and engage their students. Whether you’re teaching young children or teenagers, stickers can be used in a variety of ways to enhance learning and create a positive classroom environment. By incorporating stickers into your classroom management system, you can provide your students with a fun and rewarding learning experience that encourages good behavior and active participation.

Using Stickers for Motivation

Motivation is a key factor in creating a successful learning environment. Stickers can be used to motivate students in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Providing stickers for completing assignments or participating in class discussions
  • Using stickers to track progress towards goals or achievements
  • Creating sticker-based rewards for good behavior or exceptional performance

Creative ways to use stickers for motivation include creating sticker charts or boards, using them to decorate student work or journals, and incorporating them into games or competitions.

Using Stickers for Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is an effective way to encourage good behavior and promote a positive learning environment. Stickers can be used as a form of positive reinforcement in the classroom by:

  • Providing stickers as rewards for good behavior or exceptional performance
  • Using stickers to acknowledge effort and progress, even if the final outcome isn’t perfect
  • Creating sticker-based systems that encourage students to work towards a common goal, such as a class reward or field trip

Examples of positive reinforcement with stickers include giving stickers for participating in class discussions, completing homework assignments, or demonstrating good behavior in class. You can also create a sticker-based reward system, where students can earn stickers for completing certain tasks or achieving specific goals, and then trade them in for a larger prize or reward.

Incorporating Stickers in Classroom Management

Stickers can be a valuable tool for managing your classroom, helping to keep students engaged and motivated while promoting positive behavior. Some tips for incorporating stickers in classroom management include:

  • Setting clear expectations and guidelines for how stickers will be used
  • Using stickers as a form of positive reinforcement for good behavior or effort
  • Providing students with opportunities to earn stickers throughout the day or week
  • Creating sticker-based reward systems to encourage class-wide behavior or achievement

It’s important to keep in mind that stickers should be used in conjunction with other classroom management strategies, such as positive reinforcement and clear expectations, to create a well-rounded approach to classroom management.

Educational Resources

Stickers can be a fun and engaging way to enhance learning in the classroom, and there are many educational resources available to help you get started. Some websites and resources for sticker-based educational activities include:

  • Teachers Pay Teachers: a website that offers a wide range of educational resources, including sticker-based activities and printables
  • Sticker Books: there are many books available that use stickers to teach concepts such as counting, spelling, and more
  • DIY Sticker Activities: with a little creativity, you can create your own sticker-based educational activities, such as sticker books, matching games, and more
  • We recommend you evaluate sticker printing companies before making a purchase

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, stickers are a powerful tool for teachers looking to motivate and engage their students. By using stickers for motivation, positive reinforcement, and classroom management, you can create a positive learning environment that encourages active participation and good behavior. With the help of educational resources and a little creativity, the possibilities for using stickers in the classroom are endless.


  1. Alonzo, C. R., & McKeachie, W. J. (1997). Using rewards and punishments in schools: A review of the research. Review of Educational Research, 67(2), 153-178. doi: 10.3102/00346543067002153

This article reviews the research on the use of rewards and punishments in schools, including the use of stickers as a form of positive reinforcement. It discusses the benefits and drawbacks of using rewards and punishments, and provides recommendations for teachers on how to use them effectively.

  1. Robinson, K. (2017). Why stickers work for classroom management. Educational Leadership, 74(2), 84-85.

This article discusses the effectiveness of stickers as a tool for classroom management. It provides examples of how teachers have used stickers to encourage good behavior, track progress, and motivate students. The article also highlights the importance of using stickers in conjunction with other classroom management strategies.

  1. Goffin, S. G. (2013). A teacher’s guide to using stickers in the classroom. Early Childhood Education Journal, 41(5), 341-345. doi: 10.1007/s10643-013-0578-6

This article provides a guide for teachers on how to effectively use stickers in the classroom. It discusses the benefits of using stickers for motivation and positive reinforcement, and provides practical tips for incorporating stickers into classroom management strategies. The article also includes examples of sticker-based activities for young children.